Göran Hedbys, senior partner of Granit Management, was elected chairman of the board of OptiFreeze on 14 March 2017. OptiFreeze owns a patented technology that enhances taste, shape and texture...
Göran Hedbys, senior partner of Granit Management, was elected chairman of the board of OptiFreeze on 14 March 2017. OptiFreeze owns a patented technology that enhances taste, shape and texture...
Today 23 Apil 2017 Göran Hedbys and Lars Björklund with families celebrated the launch the new management consultancy they co-founded, Granit Management. "It is great to be able to start...
Case: Painful change Painful merger needs a why and values This is a case about a merger between two organizations that created a lot of friction until...
Case: Leading through difficult times Leading through tough times with less controlling We have all been there and will for sure be there again. When the company are...
Case: Listening to the organisation Listening to the organization There are several theories and check list on what to do during a merger of two organizations. It could be...
Perspective: Rugby - the mirror of modern business management What can business life learn from Rugby Do team sports develop similar to businesses when it comes to...
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